Wednesday, 1 May 2024

I am busy resting!

 Resting needs time

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. Ovid



When my mother was resting, she used to tell people that she was truly busy. One day I told her that she was not doing anything so she should not tell people that she was occupied. Immediately, in a calm way and with a big smile on her face she replied: “In order to be able to rest, one needs to spend the necessary time to do so, in whatever form one chooses to achieve this.”

Those words from my mother remained etched in my mind for ever. Generally speaking, I rest by changing activities and doing different things. This makes it seem to others like I am always busy, but I truly enjoy being busy, that is my way to rest. But, how effective is my way of resting really? I may need to explore other forms of rest other than “being busy.” I believe that resting is something that has to be approached from different perspectives.

One article from BBC about the topic, points out that resting involves the consideration of economic aspects and historical changes. The modern definition of resting is based on the Bible that states that God created the world in 6 days and rested on the seventh. Resting was important during the Middle Ages, however in modern society this concept has changed, and although there are more leisurely activities, people tend to rest less.

Next, I am going to discuss 10 practical activities that can be carried out in order to rest and allow your body and mind to recover, be more productive and enjoy your life more.

One - Sleep well

The Sleep Foundation says that most healthy adults need at least seven hours of sleep each night while infants, children and teenagers will need (depending on their age) between 8 and 16 hours to support growth and development. However, the quality of sleep is just as important as the quantity. Good sleep improves your brain performance, mood and overall health.  

Two - Listen to music

Several studies show that music can have a great effect on both the emotions and the body and therefore listening to music can help us to relax. Listening to music can decrease levels of cortisol which is the stress hormone. When we listen to music, we release dopamine ad this can boost positive feelings and even can help to reduce pain.


Three - Keep a diary


Expressive writing allows people to rest as this reduce the levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Writing can help the person to have clarity and focus and by doing so we can improve productivity and well-being. To read my article about writing therapy click here.

 Four - Have a walk

Walking increases the level of rest as well as energy levels. It is a mood booster and also helps you to sleep better. When walking, take a mental break and focus on the beauty of nature around you. You can also think through problems and find solutions as walking improves creativity and your brain can bring new ideas and points of view.

Five - Do not use social media

Taking a break from social media can prevent sleep problems and improves mental health and wellbeing. Several studies show that limiting or reducing the use of social media aids in the reduction of anxiety levels, depression, and feelings of loneliness. To avoid using social media you can delete apps, temporary disable accounts, find other ways to keep in touch and find another activity to keep you occupied.

 Six - Practice yoga

In addition to toning the body, practising yoga gives you the opportunity to work through the body to strengthen and deepen the mind-body connection. It is a two-for-one discipline that manages to renew us on the outside and reset us on the inside. It has the power to connect body, mind and breathing, it helps work the joints and muscle fascia, gain more flexibility and relax the body which in turn enables you to have more restful sleep and be able to rest better.

 Seven – Pray

For some people, praying is simply a religious ritual. However, praying can help to reduce anxiety and experience calm. It also increases gratitude and appreciation towards others. When you pray you can find answers to problems, feel spiritually lighter and the most important thing of all, feel God’s presence and protection, if you are a believer. This avoids loneliness and helpless.

 Eight - Have a chat with a friend

A conversation is much more than sharing information. When talking to others, we communicate emotions, internal words and open up feelings of well-being. A good conversation with a friend or a family member can bring us nice memories, make us laugh and feel good. With technological advancements, nowadays we can enjoy virtual chats to enhance our life and feel better. A good conversation respects, encourages, entertains, makes you reflect, inspires and delights hence one must cultivate people to have good chats.    

 Nine - Read a book

There are studies that show that six minutes of reading can reduce anxiety levels by up to 60%. Furthermore, reading slows down your heart rate and relieves muscle tension.  Reading a book helps to exercise the brain, encourages curiosity, increases concentration, improves comprehension ability, develop creativity, entertains, increases the ability to memorise in addition to enriching your vocabulary. A book also can be the best conversationalist and can make you reflect, rest and feel better.

 Ten - Watch a film

Besides being entertaining, watching films is relaxing and helps to reduce stress. It also helps you to see problems from other perspectives, allows catharsis, develops creativity and makes you reflect on difficult topics. Going to the cinema is a good way to relax, and this can be done alone or with somebody else. For those who don’t want to go out, they can watch a film at home. In addition to films shown on television nowadays there are several platforms that allow us to enjoy a variety of films for all sort of tastes.

To conclude, there are many other ways to rest, for example visiting a museum, going shopping, swimming, sewing, practicing a sport or having a hobby, etc. What helps one person to relax does not necessarily helps others, so everyone needs to find a suitable activity for their needs.

When I lived in the fields of the Andes mountains, the farmers let the land rest so that it could produce more and better crops. People need to rest to have an optimal life, to feel better and to be more productive in what they do.

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